Lost or stolen TFN

TFNIf you can’t find your TFN and do not suspect misuse, phone the Australian Tax Office (ATO) on 13 28 61 between 8:00am and 8:00pm Monday to Friday and 10:00am to 4:00pm Saturday. You can also phone the ATO on Sunday between 10.00am to 4.00pm from 1 July to 31 October. If you have a myGov account linked to the ATO, you can access your TFN online.


If you think your TFN has been stolen

If your TFN has been lost, stolen or accessed by an unauthorised third party, tell us as soon as possible. We can apply security measures that will monitor for any unusual or suspicious activity with your TFN.

If your TFN has been stolen or you suspect misuse, phone us on 1800 467 033 between 8.00am and 6.00pm, Monday to Friday.


How to keep your TFN safe

Your TFN is an important part of confirming your identity when you start a new job, open bank accounts and apply for government benefits. It’s also an important part of locating and keeping track of your super savings. Keep it secure – in the wrong hands, it could be used to commit fraud.

Only some people and organisations can ask for your TFN. The most common are:

  • The ATO when discussing your tax records
  • some other Australian Government agencies – for example, the Department of Human Services (Centrelink) and the Child Support Agency
  • your employer after you start work
  • your super fund
  • higher education providers
  • registered tax agents, solicitors and accountants
  • your bank or other financial institutions.


Tips to keep your TFN safe

  • Don’t carry your TFN in your purse or wallet or store it in your mobile phone.
  • Don’t share it with friends (including on social networking websites).
  • Don’t provide it in a job application or over the internet.
  • Give it to your employer only after you start working for them.
  • Make sure that any tax agent you use is registered – check the Tax Practitioners Board website at tpb.gov.au


Scammers are becoming more common and even more believable so it is vital you protect your TFN. Recently the ATO released a public alert warning people to be cautious of scammers taking payment through gift cards. To find out more about protecting your identity click here to read the Taxwise Australia blog.




Warren Kruger

Specialist Tax Consultant - “Helping YOU Pay The Correct Tax And Not A Penny More”. My story starts on Christmas Eve, back in 1983 in South Africa.

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