August 15, 2021 | Warren Kruger | No Comments | Australian Superannuation
From 1 July 2021, the superannuation contributions caps have been indexed for the 2022 income year.
The new concessional contributions cap for the 2022 financial year is now $27,500 (increased from $25,000).
The new non-concessional (i.e., non-deductible) contributions cap for the 2022 financial year is now $110,000 or (where the ‘bring forward’ rules are applicable) $330,000 over three years (increased from $100,000 or $300,000 respectively).
The CGT cap amount for the 2022 financial year is now $1,615,000 (increased from $1,565,000).
The increase in the concessional contributions cap in particular will require those salary sacrificing additional superannuation to consider if they wish to increase their packaging arrangements so as to maximise the $2,500 increase in the cap.