From 1 July 2024, non-charitable not-for-profits (‘NFPs’) with an active Australian Business Number (‘ABN’) will be required to lodge a new annual NFP self-review return with the ATO to confirm their income tax exemption status. Editor: This will include sporting, community and cultural clubs, among other organisations. Non-charitable NFPs that have an active ABN can […]
Read MoreThe Serious Financial Crime Taskforce (‘SFCT’) is warning businesses about using illegal financial arrangements such as ‘false invoicing’ to cheat the tax and super systems. False invoicing arrangements may consist of the following: an entity (the ‘promoter’) issues invoices to a legitimate business but no goods or services are provided; the business pays the invoices, […]
Read MoreFaced with tough times, some people may be thinking about accessing their super early. Taxpayers may have been approached by someone (a ‘promoter’) claiming that members of super funds can withdraw their super or use an SMSF to pay off debts, buy a car, or pay for a holiday. The ATO warns taxpayers that this […]
Read MoreTaxpayers should be aware that some natural disaster relief payments are not taxable. Businesses that have received a government support payment because of a natural disaster (such as a major weather event) should check if they need to include this as assessable income in their tax return before they lodge (although they may not need […]
Read MoreThe Government has urged Australians to be vigilant regarding scammers who target ATO log-in details to commit tax fraud. The ATO has received a large number of reports of scammers using fake myGov sites to steal myGov sign-in details, which can be used to commit tax and refund fraud in other people’s names. These criminals […]
Read MorePrivate company clients who receive payments, benefits or loans from their private companies need to ensure compliance with their additional tax obligations (which are often referred to as their ‘Division 7A’ obligations). There are multiple ways in which business owners may access private company money, such as through salary and wages, dividends, or what are […]
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