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Super guarantee contributions for the December 2022 quarter | Taxwise Australia | (08) 9248 8124

Super Guarantee Contributions for the December 2022 Quarter

By Warren Kruger | February 8, 2023

A reminder to employers that their December 2022 super guarantee contributions (‘SG’)  were due by 28 January 2023. Do not forget the two changes to SG that commenced on 1 July 2022: the rate increased from 10% to 10.5% employees no longer need to earn $450 per month to be eligible. Employers now need to […]

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Christmas Parties & Gifts 2022

By Warren Kruger | December 15, 2022

Year-end (and other) staff parties Editor: With the well earned December/January holiday season on the way, many employers will be planning to reward staff with a celebratory party or event.  However, there are important issues to consider, including  the possible FBT and income tax implications of providing ‘entertainment’ (including Christmas parties) to staff and clients.  […]

stapled super fund

Requesting Stapled Super Fund Details For New Employees

By Warren Kruger | December 14, 2022

The ATO is reminding employers that, when they have new employees that have not provided them with their choice of super fund, super contributions should be made into: the employee’s stapled super fund; or the employer’s nominated account (but only if the ATO advises that the employee does not have a stapled super fund). Editor: […]

Australian Residents

Chef Spending Most of A Year On Cruise Ships Still A ‘Resident’

By Warren Kruger | December 12, 2022

The AAT has also held that a taxpayer, an Australian chef with over 20 years’ experience both in Australia and overseas, was an Australian resident for taxation purposes in the 2016 income year. During that year, he spent only 86 days in Australia, being the period prior to him leaving Australia to commence employment with […]

Input tax credits

Input Tax Credits Denied Due To Lodging BASs Late

By Warren Kruger | December 9, 2022

The Administrative Appeal Tribunal (‘AAT’) has held that a taxpayer could not claim $91,239 of input tax credits (‘ITCs’) at least partly because it lodged the relevant BASs more than 4 years too late. Specifically, the GST Act operates such that, if an extension of time to lodge a BAS has not been granted prior […]

Record-keeping tips

ATO’s record-keeping tips

By Warren Kruger | December 7, 2022

The ATO has reminded taxpayers that they should understand the record-keeping requirements for their business and keep accurate and complete records as they occur, as this should help them avoid penalties that may apply and reduce the possibility of the ATO denying their expense claims. The following are some of the ATO’s top tips to […]

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What’s New For Taxpayers

By Warren Kruger | August 19, 2015

Before you complete your tax return for 2015, there are some changes you should be aware of in case they affect you. Mature age worker tax offset You can no longer claim the Mature age worker tax offset (MAWTO) in your tax return. Previously, to be eligible for the offset you needed to be an […]

Travel between home and work and between workplaces

By Warren Kruger | September 2, 2015

While trips between home and work are generally considered private travel, you can claim deductions in some circumstances, as well as for some travel between two workplaces. If your travel was partly private and partly for work, you can only claim for the part related to your work.   What you can claim You can […]

Investment Property – Claiming Repairs and Maintenance Expenses

By Warren Kruger | September 9, 2015

Can you claim the cost of repairs you make before you rent out the property? You cannot claim the cost of repairing defects, damage or deterioration that existed when you obtained the property, even if you carried out these repairs to make the property suitable for renting. This is because these expenses relate to the […]

Gifts and donations

By Warren Kruger | November 4, 2015

You can only claim a tax deduction for gifts or donations to organisations that have the status of deductible gift recipients (DGRs).   Deductions for gifts are claimed by the person that makes the gift (the donor).   For you to claim a tax deduction for a gift, it must meet four conditions: The gift […]

Capital gains tax checklist

By Warren Kruger | November 11, 2015

  The following questions will help you to identify possible capital gains tax (CGT) obligations. If you answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions, CGT may apply. Some questions are intended to highlight the possibility of a capital gain or loss arising in the current year, others to alert you to the possibility of a […]

Tax on Super Contributions

By Warren Kruger | December 16, 2015

The tax you pay on your super contributions generally depends on whether the contributions were made before or after you paid income tax, you exceed the super contributions cap or you are a very high-income earner. Before-tax super contributions The super contributions you make before tax (concessional) are taxed at 15%. Types of before-tax contributions […]

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