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Avoid a tax time shock

Avoid a tax time shock

By Warren Kruger | October 11, 2024

Individual taxpayers can take the following steps right now to ensure the correct amount of tax is being put aside throughout the year: let their employer know if they have a study or training support loan, such as a HECS or HELP debt; check they are only claiming the tax-free threshold from one employer; consider […]

Penalties imposed on taxpayer who falsely amended tax returns

Penalties imposed on taxpayer who falsely amended tax returns

By Warren Kruger | September 13, 2024

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (‘AAT‘) recently affirmed the ATO’s decision to impose shortfall penalties on a taxpayer who had lodged false amended income tax returns. The taxpayer had lodged income tax returns for the 2020 and 2021 income years through her tax agent.  The taxpayer subsequently lodged amended returns to claim deductions regarding a non-existent […]

Tax incentives for early stage investors

Tax incentives for early stage investors

By Warren Kruger | September 11, 2024

The ATO is reminding investors who purchased new shares in a qualifying ‘early stage innovation company’ (‘ESIC’) that they may be eligible for tax incentives. These tax incentives provide eligible investors who purchase new shares in an ESIC with: a non-refundable carry forward tax offset equal to 20% of the amount paid for their eligible […]

Storing correct records for work-related expenses

Storing correct records for work-related expenses

By Warren Kruger | September 9, 2024

Taxpayers need to consider what work-related expenses they will be looking to claim in the new financial year, and what records they will need to substantiate those deductions. Records can be kept as a paper version, an electronic copy, or a ‘true and clear’ photo of an original record. Working from home deductions Taxpayers can […]

payments or assets from foreign trusts

Receiving payments or assets from foreign trusts

By Warren Kruger | September 6, 2024

Additional tax liabilities may arise when money or assets of a foreign trust are paid to a taxpayer or applied for their benefit, and they are a beneficiary of the foreign trust.  These can include: loans to them by the trustee directly or indirectly through another entity; amounts paid by the trustee to a third […]

GST refunds

Business self-review checklist: GST classification of products

By Warren Kruger | September 4, 2024

GST classification errors can lead to significant under-reporting of GST for some taxpayers. The ATO recently issued guidance for small to medium businesses on self-reviewing GST classification of food and health products. The use of this guide is not mandatory, although the ATO encourages small to medium businesses to regularly self-review the GST classification of […]

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What’s New For Taxpayers

By Warren Kruger | August 19, 2015

Before you complete your tax return for 2015, there are some changes you should be aware of in case they affect you. Mature age worker tax offset You can no longer claim the Mature age worker tax offset (MAWTO) in your tax return. Previously, to be eligible for the offset you needed to be an […]

Travel between home and work and between workplaces

By Warren Kruger | September 2, 2015

While trips between home and work are generally considered private travel, you can claim deductions in some circumstances, as well as for some travel between two workplaces. If your travel was partly private and partly for work, you can only claim for the part related to your work.   What you can claim You can […]

Investment Property – Claiming Repairs and Maintenance Expenses

By Warren Kruger | September 9, 2015

Can you claim the cost of repairs you make before you rent out the property? You cannot claim the cost of repairing defects, damage or deterioration that existed when you obtained the property, even if you carried out these repairs to make the property suitable for renting. This is because these expenses relate to the […]

Gifts and donations

By Warren Kruger | November 4, 2015

You can only claim a tax deduction for gifts or donations to organisations that have the status of deductible gift recipients (DGRs).   Deductions for gifts are claimed by the person that makes the gift (the donor).   For you to claim a tax deduction for a gift, it must meet four conditions: The gift […]

Capital gains tax checklist

By Warren Kruger | November 11, 2015

  The following questions will help you to identify possible capital gains tax (CGT) obligations. If you answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions, CGT may apply. Some questions are intended to highlight the possibility of a capital gain or loss arising in the current year, others to alert you to the possibility of a […]

Tax on Super Contributions

By Warren Kruger | December 16, 2015

The tax you pay on your super contributions generally depends on whether the contributions were made before or after you paid income tax, you exceed the super contributions cap or you are a very high-income earner. Before-tax super contributions The super contributions you make before tax (concessional) are taxed at 15%. Types of before-tax contributions […]

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