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$13.6m in penalties imposed for false R&D claims
A joint investigation involving the ATO found that, between 2014 and 2017, a Sydney business coach promoted unlawful tax schemes encouraging clients to lodge over-inflated, inaccurate or unsubstantiated research and development (‘R&D’) tax incentive claims. The Federal Court recently handed down judgment against the business coach, his company co-director (and former tax agent), and their […]
When to lodge SMSF annual returns
All trustees of SMSFs with assets (including super contributions or any other investments) as at 30 June 2024 need to lodge an SMSF annual return (‘SAR’) for the 2023/24 financial year. The SAR is more than a tax return — it is required to report super regulatory information, member contributions, and pay the SMSF supervisory […]
Study/training loans — What’s new
The indexation rate for study and training loans is now based on the Consumer Price Index (‘CPI’) or Wage Price Index — whichever is lower. This change has been backdated to indexation applied from 1 June 2023 for all HELP, VET Student Loan, Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan, and other study or training support loan accounts. […]
ATOs notice of rental bond data-matching program
The ATO will acquire rental bond data from State and Territory rental bond regulators bi-annually for the 2024 to 2026 income years, including details of the landlord and tenant, managing agent identification details, and rental bond transaction details. The objectives of this program are to (among other things) identify and educate individuals and businesses who […]
ATO debunks Division 7A ‘myths’
Editor: The ATO has recently published a document ‘debunking’ various Division 7A ‘myths’. Division 7A of the tax legislation is intended to prevent profits or assets being provided to shareholders or their associates tax free. A payment or other benefit provided by a private company to a shareholder or their associate can be treated as […]
CGT withholding measures now law
The Government recently passed legislation making changes to the foreign resident capital gains withholding laws (among other changes). Editor: Foreign resident capital gains withholding is relevant for all vendors selling certain taxable real property (e.g., Australian land). Even Australian residents can be caught by these laws because, if they do not have a valid ‘clearance […]
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Business or hobby?
You may be unsure whether you’re in business, or your activity is just a hobby. A hobby is a spare-time activity or pastime pursued for pleasure or recreation. Unlike a hobby, a business is run with the intention of making a profit and has basic reporting requirements, such as declaring income and claiming expenses. It’s […]
Renting Out Part Or All Of Your Home
Generally, if you rent out part or all of your home, the rent money you receive is assessable. This means that you must declare your rental income in your income tax return, but you can also claim deductions for any associated expenses. However, be warned. If you rent out part of your home, such as […]
Gumboots? Check, Akubra? Check. Tax Status? …
Hobby farming is a lifestyle choice that has been around for years and looks like an option that, if anything, is on the increase. It can be easy to poke fun at the typical hobby farmer (like the old joke about their skills at growing blackberries and rabbits). For many the choice to embrace the […]
I’m a volunteer. Any taxing issues?
From sporting clubs or environmental groups to many charity associations, volunteers are an indispensible workforce and support network for many organisations. For most, if not all, having volunteers ready to lend a hand is pivotal in them being able to function or survive. Given that there are many hundreds of volunteers propping up all sorts of […]
What types of legal expenses are allowable as tax deductions?
When a legal expense is incurred in relation to the operation of a business for the purpose of producing assessable income, it is generally allowable as a deduction. Exceptions are when the legal fee is capital, domestic or private in nature, if it is specifically excluded by another section of income tax legislation, or is […]
When is refinancing loan interest deductible to a partnership?
About General Law and Tax Law Partnerships A general law partnership is formed when two or more people (and up to, but no more than, 20 people) go into business together. Partnerships are generally set up so that all partners are equally responsible for the management of the business, but each also has liability for […]