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$13.6m in penalties imposed for false R&D claims
A joint investigation involving the ATO found that, between 2014 and 2017, a Sydney business coach promoted unlawful tax schemes encouraging clients to lodge over-inflated, inaccurate or unsubstantiated research and development (‘R&D’) tax incentive claims. The Federal Court recently handed down judgment against the business coach, his company co-director (and former tax agent), and their […]
When to lodge SMSF annual returns
All trustees of SMSFs with assets (including super contributions or any other investments) as at 30 June 2024 need to lodge an SMSF annual return (‘SAR’) for the 2023/24 financial year. The SAR is more than a tax return — it is required to report super regulatory information, member contributions, and pay the SMSF supervisory […]
Study/training loans — What’s new
The indexation rate for study and training loans is now based on the Consumer Price Index (‘CPI’) or Wage Price Index — whichever is lower. This change has been backdated to indexation applied from 1 June 2023 for all HELP, VET Student Loan, Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan, and other study or training support loan accounts. […]
ATOs notice of rental bond data-matching program
The ATO will acquire rental bond data from State and Territory rental bond regulators bi-annually for the 2024 to 2026 income years, including details of the landlord and tenant, managing agent identification details, and rental bond transaction details. The objectives of this program are to (among other things) identify and educate individuals and businesses who […]
ATO debunks Division 7A ‘myths’
Editor: The ATO has recently published a document ‘debunking’ various Division 7A ‘myths’. Division 7A of the tax legislation is intended to prevent profits or assets being provided to shareholders or their associates tax free. A payment or other benefit provided by a private company to a shareholder or their associate can be treated as […]
CGT withholding measures now law
The Government recently passed legislation making changes to the foreign resident capital gains withholding laws (among other changes). Editor: Foreign resident capital gains withholding is relevant for all vendors selling certain taxable real property (e.g., Australian land). Even Australian residents can be caught by these laws because, if they do not have a valid ‘clearance […]
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FBT on plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
From 1 April 2025, a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (‘PHEV’) will not be considered a zero or low emissions vehicle under fringe benefits tax (‘FBT’) law and will not be eligible for the electric car FBT exemption. However, an employer can continue to apply the electric car exemption if: use of the PHEV was exempt […]
AAT rejects taxpayer’s claims for work-related expenses
In a recent decision, a taxpayer’s claims for various work-related expenses were rejected by the AAT. The taxpayer was employed as a traffic controller in the 2020 income year. In his income tax return for that year he claimed $9,800 in work-related deductions, including for car expenses (using the cents per km method), travel expenses, […]
Can staff celebrations attract FBT?
With the holiday season coming up, employers may be planning to celebrate with their employees. Before they hire a restaurant or book an event, employers should make sure to work out if the benefits they provide their employees are considered entertainment-related, and therefore subject to fringe benefits tax (‘FBT’). This will depend on: the amount […]
Reminder of December 2024 Quarter Superannuation Guarantee (‘SG’)
Employers are reminded that employee superannuation contributions for the quarter ending 31 December 2024 must be received by the relevant super funds by 28 January 2025. If the correct amount of SG is not paid by an employer on time, they will be liable to pay the SG charge, which includes a penalty and interest […]
ATO’s tips for small businesses to ‘get it right’
While the ATO knows most small businesses try to report correctly, it understands that mistakes can happen. The ATO advises taxpayers that it is important to get the following ‘basics’ right: using digital tools and business software to help track and streamline processes to increase the efficiency of their business; keeping accurate and complete records, […]
SMSFs cannot be used for Christmas presents!
There are very limited circumstances where taxpayers can legally access their super early, and the ATO is reminding taxpayers that “paying bills and buying Christmas presents doesn’t make the list.” Generally, taxayers can only access their super when they: reach preservation age and ‘retire’; or turn 65 (even if they are still working). To access […]